
I'm a Japanese woman living in Nara. This blog tells you how to be a "YAMATONADESHIKO". "Yamatonadeshiko" means an ideal Japanese lady who is intelligent, sophisticated and thoughtful. I learn Sado-Japanese traditional tea celemony and Ikebana-Japanese traditional flower arrangement. I introduce about Japan through my experiences. So you can get to know more about Japanese culture such as Sado,Ikebana, customs and seasonal events, especially the ones in Nara.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Teaching somebody

Today, I had a Hula lesson. It was ME teaching it! Wow!
Well, it was begginer class, but still I was so nervous.

I have taught begginer class of Sado and Ikebana.
They were very good experiences for me.
When I teach somebody I learn more than when I'm taught.

When I have lessons as a student, I don't understand all of the things that my teacher says although I try to absorb everything. Plus, I tend to leave what I didn't understand in lessons.
But when it comes to teaching, I can't leave what I don't understand. I have to understand all and explain it logically.
That's why teaching other people makes me study more than being taught.

If you're learning something I recommend to teach it to somebody.
It's a good way to learn things.


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