
I'm a Japanese woman living in Nara. This blog tells you how to be a "YAMATONADESHIKO". "Yamatonadeshiko" means an ideal Japanese lady who is intelligent, sophisticated and thoughtful. I learn Sado-Japanese traditional tea celemony and Ikebana-Japanese traditional flower arrangement. I introduce about Japan through my experiences. So you can get to know more about Japanese culture such as Sado,Ikebana, customs and seasonal events, especially the ones in Nara.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Decoration for a tokonoma in Sep.

I had a Sado lesson, yesterday.
And this decoration was that my teacher of Sado did.
The Kakejiku says "Tenchi issa no Kamome", and the meaning is that "Only one seagull flys in the large space that we can see only sky and the horizon."
And the flowers for Tokonoma are Hagi, Shuumiegiku, red Mizuhikisou, white Mizuhikisou and Fujibakama.
They are flowers of autumn in Japan.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Zengo word "Koumyou"

This Zengo word is "Koumyou"
The literal translation is "Bright light".
And the true meaning is ...
"Everyone has bright light in own mind.
Bright light means right-minded.
Everyone can live with own good belief."