
I'm a Japanese woman living in Nara. This blog tells you how to be a "YAMATONADESHIKO". "Yamatonadeshiko" means an ideal Japanese lady who is intelligent, sophisticated and thoughtful. I learn Sado-Japanese traditional tea celemony and Ikebana-Japanese traditional flower arrangement. I introduce about Japan through my experiences. So you can get to know more about Japanese culture such as Sado,Ikebana, customs and seasonal events, especially the ones in Nara.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Zengo word "Kaze Rakka wo Haku"

The picture of left side is Kakejiku of Zengo word "Shunpuu Koukou, Shun-u Bibi, Mizu Keikan ni Michi, Kaze Rakka wo Haku" and Japanese flower Botan in Korean vase.
The meaning of Zengo word is, "The wind in Spring is strong, The rain in Spring is softly, The water is full in the valley and the wind sweeps fallen blossoms."
This word express nature scene in Spring.
We can imagine the beautiful view of mountain side in Spring.
The picture of right side is flowers in a wall‐hanging vase.
The red flower is Hime-Hiougi and the black one is Kuro-Roubai.

This picture is butterfly shape sugar candies that is elegant and tasteful.
We, Japanese people, especialy who enjoy Sado care about expression tasteful seasonal scene.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ikebana Art ~Ichihatsu~ returns

This season is coming that is called Hagumi(making pair of leaves) among the people who enjoy Ikebana.

Our first subject in this season is Ichihatsu.
I use 3 flowers and 11 leaves.
You can see the detail how to make pair of leaves in the picture of right side.

These pictures are after 5days from I made.
Ichihatsu has 2 flowers in one bud.
Second flower blooms after first flower wilt.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the Zengo word "Ichige Goyou wo Hiraku"

This Zengo word has two parts. It follow "Kekka Jinen ni Naru" after "Ichige Goyou wo Hiraki".
It's meaning is that one flower make five leafs grow and then make fruit naturally.
This word teach us that it makes result naturally if we try anything we want to do as hard as we can.
Any zengo word always teach us important things that we need.
The flowers of picture are Taiturisou and Shirayuki-geshi.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The ZENGO word "Tori Utai Hana Mau"

This Zengo word is expressed about scene of nature in Spring.
The meaning is "Birds sing and flowers fly".
In Japan, Uguisu that tell us Spring is coming is most popular birds.
And Sakura(cherry blossom) is most popular bloom in Spring.
The flowers in this picture are Yamabuki that is yellow one and Miyakowasure that is purple one.