
I'm a Japanese woman living in Nara. This blog tells you how to be a "YAMATONADESHIKO". "Yamatonadeshiko" means an ideal Japanese lady who is intelligent, sophisticated and thoughtful. I learn Sado-Japanese traditional tea celemony and Ikebana-Japanese traditional flower arrangement. I introduce about Japan through my experiences. So you can get to know more about Japanese culture such as Sado,Ikebana, customs and seasonal events, especially the ones in Nara.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Ikebana Art ~Ichihatsu~

"Ichihatsu" flower is our first practice for arrangement of long leafs in early summer.
In this season, we have 3 or 4 kinds of the flower with long leafs.
Ichihatsu, Shobu, Kakitsubata and so on.
These are same family of iris.
But the each combinations of leafs are little different.
We can practice those combination of leafs only one chance of a year.
So I learn Ikebana for 15years but I practice only 15times each.


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