
I'm a Japanese woman living in Nara. This blog tells you how to be a "YAMATONADESHIKO". "Yamatonadeshiko" means an ideal Japanese lady who is intelligent, sophisticated and thoughtful. I learn Sado-Japanese traditional tea celemony and Ikebana-Japanese traditional flower arrangement. I introduce about Japan through my experiences. So you can get to know more about Japanese culture such as Sado,Ikebana, customs and seasonal events, especially the ones in Nara.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Jake is BEST!!

The Hawaiian festival held at Odaiba Venus Fort in Tokyo.
And the Hawaiian concert started at 1:30pm and 4:30pm.
Jake and the other performers appeared on the both stages.
The shows were same program.
But Jake played different songs on those stages.

I went this event with my friend whom I met at Maui in this Janualy.
She is also Jake's fanclub menber.

After the show I talked about Jake with her.
We had a lot of fun, and we had very HAPPY times today.


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