I'm a Japanese woman living in Nara. This blog tells you how to be a "YAMATONADESHIKO". "Yamatonadeshiko" means an ideal Japanese lady who is intelligent, sophisticated and thoughtful. I learn Sado-Japanese traditional tea celemony and Ikebana-Japanese traditional flower arrangement. I introduce about Japan through my experiences. So you can get to know more about Japanese culture such as Sado,Ikebana, customs and seasonal events, especially the ones in Nara.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The Festival Five produced by Tony Tauvela

Mr Kimo who had Hawaiian concert in my cafe invited us.
The cast of this show was Makaha Sons; traditional Hawaiian band,
Mr. Chinky Mahoe; Kumu hula, his hula team and Raiatea Helm; traditional

That was amazing and beautiful!!
We were so touched.
Mr. Chinky Mahoe and his hula team is the winner of the Merry Monarc hula contest this year.
Raiatea Helm is the winner of Na Hoku Awards called Hawaiian Grammy last year.
She has very beautiful singing voice and she also play ukulele very well!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Bruce Shimabukuro with B.S.Band

B.S.Band's menber is Bruce Shimabukuro(Jake's youger brother), Jody Kamisato and Gary Akiona.
After the concert, I had a party with menbers and fans.
We had a lot of fun.

I almost fall in love with Jody!! So, I was very HAPPY to see him.
He has very beautiful eyes, he is so sweet and his singing voice heals me.
I LOVE Jody!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
my favorite song
Recently, I often remenber the song that my friend wrote.
He used be with the aim of becoming a song writer.
The title of this song is "Egao" mean smile.
I orderd him this song as a token of a present on my friend's wedding.
This song is so sweet and beautilful. I love this song.
I sang this on my friend's wedding party.

"Egao; smile" written by Takumy
I hope you always smile so I will always smile.
Our love we swear by God that will never change.
I hope you will be just as you are forever.
Thank you for many wonderful smiles now and forever.
The smiles will be our pride and joy.
Thank you so much.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ikebana Art ~Kakitsubata~
I'll show you the onother type of arrangement of Kakitusubata.

This arrangement represents scenery of the shore where Kakitsubata is grown.
The middle one is main called "Tatesugata".
The right one is semi-main called "Yokosugata".
And the left one represent young group called "Mekabu".
The Mishou Style Ikebana represents real scenery of the plants.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
"Neri Kuyou" ;a memorial service
It was perform the "Neri Kuyou" at Taima temple in Katsuragi, Nara on May 14th.
The performance is a play of a legend that Chuujou princess had a peaceful death as she was living.
You can see the photo of this performance on this website; http://homepage2.nifty.com/m-kasama/taima/neri.htm.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Japanese horror movie
I saw the horror movie "The Juon" maked in Hollywood.
"The Juon" is based on Japanese horror muvie "Juon".
"The Ring" is also based on Japanese Horror movie.
Japanese Horror has own way to strike terror into the audience's heart.
It express a curse, a deepāseatedand a mentality terror and it has not grotesque terror like zombie moovie.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Samidare ~the rain in May~
We call the light rain in May "Samidare".
We had some rainy days in this week.
Today is also rainy day.
I hate Samidare because it make growth of slugs.
Hula Lesson
Today I had a hula lesson.
I teach 4 students from today.
2 people of them are eighties and the other 2 are fifties.
Students spend the time for choosing Paw skirt a half of lesson.
Paw skirt is the costume for Hula.
They looked having a lot of fun.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Sado lesson!

Today I had a Sado lesson.
We;among the people who enjoy Sado has two seasons in a year.
The Furo season and the Ro season.
Furo season is from May to Octorber, Ro season is from Novenber to April.
Today is the first day for Furo season in this year.
The picture is "Tokonoma" today.
The Kakejiku says "Seifuu" that means "a breath of fresh air".
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Ikebana Art ~Kakitsubata~

"Kakitsubata" is one of popular material for "Mishouryuu" Ikebana.
The flower materials that has long leafs is representative arrangement in "Mishouryuu".
And there are many flower materials that has long leafs in April and May.
Shoubu, Ichihatsu, Kakitsubata and so on.
Especialy Kakitsubata is very special and popular, and there is a book for how to arrange by Kakitsubasta.
I'll introduce the other arrange by Kakitsubata in few days.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
a celemomy of 49days
We had a celemony of 49days from the day of my granma dead.
My aunt's family came to our home, and they and my family recited a sutra with a Buddhist priest.
A chain of the celemony of my granma's dead is over.
Next celemony is the first anniversary of granma's death.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Children's Day!!
In Japan, May 5th is the Children's day.
It's a national holiday for celebration of boy's growing up.
This celebration stareted in the Edo era.
In the Edo era, samurai decorated a room with a doll of Kintaro, an armor, a Japanese drum and so on, because he hoped that his son grow strong and powerful.
In the other side, the common people raised "Koinobori" on a roof of their house.
"Koinobori" is a family of carps that are made from fabric.
You can get more information of "Koinobori"in this website.
And we eat "Kashiwa-mochi" on this day.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
"Fuji" flower
In May, it's the season of "Fuji" flower.
In Nara, the Fuji called "Sunazuri-no-Fuji" in Kasuga-taisha shrine is most famous.
You can see the photos in this website.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Jake is BEST!!

And the Hawaiian concert started at 1:30pm and 4:30pm.
Jake and the other performers appeared on the both stages.
The shows were same program.
But Jake played different songs on those stages.
I went this event with my friend whom I met at Maui in this Janualy.
She is also Jake's fanclub menber.
After the show I talked about Jake with her.
We had a lot of fun, and we had very HAPPY times today.